Wednesday 29 April 2015

Evaluating My Images

Overall I am very pleased with my photographs which I have collected from the two location shoots. I found that going to explore the location first, and planning where I will be photographing, using maps, was very useful. It gave me a better idea of where to go and what to do on the test shoot. I found that on the test shoot, my intentions changed slightly from the beginning. It allowed me to realize I wanted to primarily focus on the people on the streets, rather then the different aspects of the location in general. When I was editing the test shoot images, I found due to the light conditions of the day, and the atmosphere I wanted to create, the images looked better in a mixture colour and Sepia. However, when I shot for the real shoot, I decided to edit them slightly underexposed and in black and white, to create a more dramatic series of images. I am happy with this choice, and next time I would have also edited some of the test shoot photographs in this way, to have a better idea of how they would turn out, before the final shoot. 


To further improve my images, next time I would have shot on the streets for longer on the final shoot, 2-3 hours, rather then 1, so I can have had photographed even more people, and had more images to choose from. Overall I am very happy with them, and believe that the five chosen images work very well together as a collection. I purposely chose some images shot in landscape and some in portrait, as I feel like a mixture of both works well for the final collection. Finally, I feel like the chosen images really start to tell a story about the people and the place of Preston, just as I set out to do, displaying really what Preston is all about, which is its people.


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