Tuesday 28 April 2015

Final Shoot On Location

For my final shoot on location, I stayed around the main high street of Preston as planned, photographing people on the streets, going about their day. I wanted to capture the cultural diversity of the city of Preston, and the general atmosphere of the location. Within the hour I was shooting, lots of people of different ages, genders, religions and ethnicites passed me, and I wanted to capture this through my photographs. I decided for this shoot that I wanted to complety focus on people within their surroundings, rather than have photographs only capturing buildings, signs, shops etc within Preston.

I once again used my Nikon d5000 DSLR camera, and used the 70-300mm lense or most of the shots, ans used the camera on manual mode, as I did for the test shoot. I had the camera set to a fast shutter speed, to capture people moving quickly with minimal blur. I also had it set it to low aperture, to give the image a shallow depth of field. This allows me to have the people or object that I am photographing as the main focus of my image, with a slightly blurred background. 



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